Relief Society

Daughters in My Kingdom

"Relief Society. . . . gives [women] opportunity for growth and development. It gives them status as queens in their own households. It gives them place and position, where they grow as they exercise their talents. It gives them pride and direction in family life. It gives them added appreciation for good, eternal companions and children.
"What a glorious organization Relief Society is. There is nothing to compare with it in all the world.
Gordon B. Hinckley

Believe it or not I have grown up friends...or a better way to say it:  those who are older physically! This sisterhood is an important part of surviving with my mind intact and even though I am not able to spend time with all of them on Sunday, I cherish the time I do have.

So all things I have done or will do, when it comes to trying to be a responsible grown up will be included in this blog. Lessons I have taught, things I have learned, and fun activites and crafts I have liked will be shared.

Remember, we are always teaching the children and youth that friends who have the same beliefs and standards as we do are important...and that applies to grown ups too! My "Ward Family" is an important part of my life and I want to share that too.

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